Wipline 3000 Amphibious Floats

Wipline 3000 Amphibious Floats
Wipline 3000 Amphibious Floats

Wipline 3000 Amphibious Floats

Wipline 3000A amphib’s w/ storage hatches, paddle brackets, walk wire & tow bar fittings. Cessna 185 rigging including front pork chop fittings and rear attach fittings. Includes 12V electro/hydraulic pump assembly, hand pump assembly, hydraulic lines, switch panel w/indicator lights, Lake & Air gear advisory system, circuit breakers, wiring & retract handle assembly. New wheel bearings in…

  • Serial # 30059 & 30060
  • Airframe html
Wipline 3000 Amphibious Floats

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