Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser

Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser

Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser

Low time, highly modified Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser
2436 hrs. Total Airframe Time

Engine & Propeller:
Lycoming O-320-A3B
S/N L5352-27 204 hrs. SMOH

80″ Hartzell Constant Speed Propeller model: HC-C2YL-1BF
Prop Time: 323 hrs. SNEW

White base paint red stripes
Rated 8/10

Red and tan cloth interior
Rated 8/10

King KX155 Nav/Com
Narco AT165 Transponder
Sigtronics 2 place intercom
Skybeacon ADSB out
Custom panel

LH Seaplane Door
Extended flaps
Micro Aerodynamics VG’s
PA-18 landing gear
AOSS shock absorbers
PA-18 horizontal stabilizer
Extended baggage
Wipline 2100A amphibious floats w/less than 50 hrs. TT
Lake & Air landing gear warning system
Federal AWB 2500 hydraulic skis
Cleveland wheels & brakes
Power brake boosters
Sutton Exhaust
Tanis heat
Hooker Harnesses
36 gal. fuel

  • Serial # 12-3144
  • Airframe html
Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser

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